It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why Don’t Victims Just Leave Abusive Relationships?

It will be a new beginning for victims to leave an abusive relationship but they think that’s it is a great risk for them so they just continue the abusive relation.

People find it very difficult to understand why victims don’t want to leave the abusive relationship. There are many reasons for victims to stay in an abusive relation;

  • Hope That Abuse Will End One Day

After the incident of violence, abusers try to show that he/she feel guilty and show that they have regret about what they have done. It may be just a fake show off. Most of the abuser tries to convince their partners that they will not do it again. They started to show some extra love and care to influence their partner. 

They try to explain that it’s just because of some certain reason or they going through some severe pressure as a result they become violent. Abusers tell the victims that he/she trying so hard to stop this violence and they also need the help of their partners.
Victims should not believe the abuser because that feel of guilt may be temporary. Victims should take some time before believing the abuser.

  • Victims Have Been Isolated

Victims of violence don’t get any support from their partner who is actually abuser. An abuser doesn’t allow their partner to go out in social gatherings or stop them to attend any family meeting. Victims also feel that nobody in their family believes that they get abused and they don’t get any support from their family members as well.

  • Leaving Can Be Dangerous

Most of time women are killed by their partners just because they want to leave the relation or they have just left. The abuse becomes more intense in the case if women are pregnant. Their husband started to hurt them more severely during the pregnancy. Women also feel so much fear of their partners so they cannot leave. They don’t want to get hurt or killed and also don’t want to hurt their children. Some women believe that their lives will not be safer after leaving their husband.

  • Leaving Can Lead To Shame

Women feel it’s a very shameful for them to leave their partners. They have fear of getting labelled as, divorced or separated person. In Asian societies it’s very common that women feel it’s very humiliating for them as well as for their family to get divorced. Western women also feel the same shame. Another reason is some women have experienced emotional abusive relationship for a very long time that they can’t even feel confident enough to leave and live on their own.

  • Leaving Is a Process

Victims can’t leave the relation or their partners all of sudden. It is a process and it takes some time. When victims leave for the first time their purpose is just to check whether their partner going to make some effort to bring them back and stop the violence. Victims also left their partners just to check that they can live on their own and they have enough resources to live a good life. Victims always give their partners some time by leaving them for a short period of time, before making a decision of permanent separation. Victims also looking for some support before leaving their partners permanently.  

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