It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind

Monday, December 10, 2018

Sibling Abuse In Asian Countries

All the types of abuse such as psychological, physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse by one sibling to other are included as sibling abuse. The other form of abuse which is not much common is rational abuse, which also included as sibling abuse.

The fights among siblings are very normal but when one sibling trying to control or terrorize the other siblings, then it is referred as abuse. Normally sibling abuse occurs in a family, where parents are very neglecting about their children, or children most often witnessed the abuse between their parents. These children repeat the same scene with their other siblings which they witnessed between their parents.

Identifying Sibling Abuse

Little fights, disagreements and competitions are the normal routine of siblings in their lives. Parents should observe the actions of their children to understand that is there any kind of abuse occurring among their children. They must talk to their children so they can differentiate between the abuse behavior and aggression from other siblings.  One of the may concern for parents is to know about whether there is some sexual abuse among their children or not. As sexual abuse need much attention because children are not much aware of this type of abuse due to their innocence.

There should also need to be observed that the abusive behavior of the child with other siblings is occasionally or it happens regularly. The behavior of the child is according to his/her age or he/she show so much aggression even in early stages of his/her life.

Risk Factors

There are some risk factors as well which are associated with sibling abuse. following are those factors;
  •    Family System

One of the factors of sibling abuse is the family system; the system in which children have grew up. This system may include the aggressive and abusive behavior of parents towards their children, spouse abuse, the low income level of the family, low education level of the mother, dissatisfaction about the relationship between the parents and neglecting behavior of the parents about the up-bringing of their children

  • Parenting Behavior

The other factor associated with sibling abuse is parenting behavior. Most of the times parents neglect the conflict between their children, sometimes they compared their children as good or bad, favor one of them, trying to resolve the parental-child conflict by using the power as they are parents, fail to supervise their children and also don’t give so much importance about to mention a discipline line among their children.

  •   Individual Traits

Individual trait is another factor which is associated to sibling abuse. Individual traits referred to the differences of behavior among the siblings. The abuser who abuses his/her other siblings due to some personality issues with him/her. He/she may have low temperament and such an aggressive behavior which cause abuse. That abusive child may also not have the empathy for other siblings and he/she show his/her emotions in a physical way. Anger, depression and lack of attention from parents also cause the sibling abuse.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Parental Abuse by Children

The form of domestic violence which doesn’t get so much attention is parental abuse by their children. People do not know much about this because parents who get abused by their children feel so much shame and they don’t want to discuss it with anyone. Parents get abused by their children in the form of physical or verbal abuse due to the aggressive behavior of their children. 

Some researchers think that parents themselves are the reason behind the abusive behavior of their child but it’s not the case always. Still there are some parents who try to convince themselves that the aggressive behavior of their child is due to someone else and blame others, this thing even worse for the children. Parents need to understand the behavior of their children so they can be in a healthy relationship.

Multiple Causes of Abusive Behavior

One of the most common causes of parental abuse is the bad parenting practices by the parents themselves, as they neglect their children in their early stages and abuse their children as well. Well there are some other abusers who have normal upbringing and did not face any of bad situation in their childhood, but they still abuse their parents. 

This is because these kinds of children have seen so much abuse and violence in different TV shows and movies and also play video games like these. Other causes of parental abuse are, children may face difficulties in their early stages like they have to live with single parent or they witnessed the abusive relationship among their parents or they have to suffer the unemployment and alcoholic abuse of their parents.
Children started to harass their parents, they started to abuse their parents verbally and emotionally and some destruction of property may also occur. It’s very important to understand these kinds of abusive behavior and need to be treated properly. Sometimes emotionally interventions by others may lead the abusive behavior to higher level. Parents also try to control the abusive behavior of their children by using some force which also causes more problems.


One of the ways to confront the parental abuser is intervention. They key to prevent adult and teenager from parental abuse is to stop them in their early stages, so their abusive behavior can be controlled and don’t reach to the higher level of aggression.

Well intervention does not always work as we desired. Sometimes children may suffer from some sort of mental health and that’s why they can’t understand what is actually happening and what they are doing. They just show their emotions in a way they understand which may be emotional, physical or verbal abuse to their parents. This is also including destruction of the property as well. So parents need to help their children and understand them properly and try to intervene them according to the behavior of their children.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Identifying Men Who Use Violence

Men who use to abuse their family are not have some specific profile. The abusers can belong to any culture, they are of any religion or their income also does not matter.

They Are Ordinary People

Most of us think that the abusers can easily be identified because of their behavior. We assumed that their behavior is very harsh towards everyone. 

They are not the monsters like we assumed. They are normal people who behave well with others and can easily adjust in our social circle. It is very important to understand the behavior of an abuser as they behave in a very good and attractive way. We should not assume that the abusers are physically or psychologically unwell.

 They Can Be Likable

It is not easy to understand how women can be easily in a relationship with someone who is abusive. There are some reasons behind this;

  • usually Abusive men are extra caring and much attractive
  • when they are in the beginning of relationship they show some extra attention
  • women in starting can recognize the verbal and emotional abuse

For the other people, abusive person is normal, as he may have family and friends, so people think he is a normal person. So, when woman discloses the abuse about that kind of person, people not believe the woman easily.

Men Who Abuse Also Don’t Abuse

We usually think that man can’t be abusive as he treats his wife in a very lovely way and very good relations with his friends and colleagues. Maybe we like someone very much but at a same time he can be very abusive to his partner. We cannot believe this very easily.

Most of the abusers, abuse their partners because they think they have some ownership over their wives. They think they have right to do the violence, so they can make their partners to do the things which they want.

These kinds of men may have two different sorts of behaviors. They treat people very nicely at their work place and show much aggressive behavior at home. As they satisfy themselves that they are not doing anything wrong because their behavior is good with other people.

How Abusers Groom Victims

Abusers usually mixed up their loving behavior with the abusive one. At the start of relationship abuser show some extra love and positive interactions but after some time they started to show their abusive actions at very low level, which surprise the victim to some extent but not completely. In starting days abuser show extra attention, listen to their partner very carefully, most of the time surprised their partners by giving them gifts. 

But slowly abuser started to show his anger and abusive behavior and try to convince his partner that these actions are also because of love as jealousy and anger is part of love. As they have shown so much love and attention, so the victims are confused about the abuse and cannot leave their partners easily. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

What about Male Victims?

Violence against any gender is very damaging and dangerous to the people who experienced it, regardless of their gender. All of us think that domestic violence and abuse is just against women, but the truth is men experienced it too. Every kind of abuse matters for victims and men also need to be helped.

Men’s Experience of Partner Violence

Domestic violence and abuse against men is not much common and people don’t know much about it. This is very hard for males because they want to express it because of some reasons.

  • We are not used to think men as victims

As we know, cases of domestic abuse against males are very male, especially when the abuser is a woman. Due to lack of awareness about such cases, most of the male are not understand properly that from what they are going through.

  • Men are socialized not to see themselves as victims

Men are always had been taught that they are very tough and they can’t express their emotions. People thinks man who need help and support from others to solve his issues is very weak. So, as result when a man faced domestic violence or any problem he can’t ask anyone for help because he thinks it’s not a man thing.

  • Men may feel ashamed being victims

Mostly men, who are victims of abuse, thought that it is their fault. They don’t give enough attention and care to their partners and they still failed after so many tries to put their all in a relationship. So men feel ashamed to accept the fact that they are suffering from abuse. 

Why Male Victims Don’t Leave?

It is not easy for anyone to leave an abusive relationship immediately. As for men, there are also many reasons; because of he can’t leave easily.
  • He is not sure about the Abuse
  • He thought that it is his fault
  • He felt embarrassing to accept it
  • He has fear of financial support after leaving
  • He has some positive thinking that things may change
  • He has some fear of losing his children

What Does Abuse of Men Look Like

The forms of abuse male are facing are mostly same as women victims faced. Still there are some types of abuse which are specially targeted to men by their partners.

  • Property destruction

Abuser started to destroy the objects and many things of the house. The abuser also sells out the things which are important for the victim.

  • Sexual Abuse

Men also suffered from sexual abuse. The abuser pressurized the victim to have sex in a way which is not comfortable for the victim. Abuser also criticizes the victims and complaining about the performance of the victim during sex. Most of the time female abuser doesn’t allow their partners to have sex with them as a punishment.
  •  Intimidation
The abuser started to threaten the victim to kill them. They also create some fear in them about their suicide and threaten them they may hurt or kill the children of victim. The abuser may also start to disrespect the victim in front of his family and friends.

  • Harassment

After separation the abuser started to harass her ex-partner. Abuser started to go at the workplace of victim without any reason. Show up and parked the car outside of his house. Even victims request the abuser to stop, the abuser still continuously called and texted the victim and his family or friends.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why Don’t Victims Just Leave Abusive Relationships?

It will be a new beginning for victims to leave an abusive relationship but they think that’s it is a great risk for them so they just continue the abusive relation.

People find it very difficult to understand why victims don’t want to leave the abusive relationship. There are many reasons for victims to stay in an abusive relation;

  • Hope That Abuse Will End One Day

After the incident of violence, abusers try to show that he/she feel guilty and show that they have regret about what they have done. It may be just a fake show off. Most of the abuser tries to convince their partners that they will not do it again. They started to show some extra love and care to influence their partner. 

They try to explain that it’s just because of some certain reason or they going through some severe pressure as a result they become violent. Abusers tell the victims that he/she trying so hard to stop this violence and they also need the help of their partners.
Victims should not believe the abuser because that feel of guilt may be temporary. Victims should take some time before believing the abuser.

  • Victims Have Been Isolated

Victims of violence don’t get any support from their partner who is actually abuser. An abuser doesn’t allow their partner to go out in social gatherings or stop them to attend any family meeting. Victims also feel that nobody in their family believes that they get abused and they don’t get any support from their family members as well.

  • Leaving Can Be Dangerous

Most of time women are killed by their partners just because they want to leave the relation or they have just left. The abuse becomes more intense in the case if women are pregnant. Their husband started to hurt them more severely during the pregnancy. Women also feel so much fear of their partners so they cannot leave. They don’t want to get hurt or killed and also don’t want to hurt their children. Some women believe that their lives will not be safer after leaving their husband.

  • Leaving Can Lead To Shame

Women feel it’s a very shameful for them to leave their partners. They have fear of getting labelled as, divorced or separated person. In Asian societies it’s very common that women feel it’s very humiliating for them as well as for their family to get divorced. Western women also feel the same shame. Another reason is some women have experienced emotional abusive relationship for a very long time that they can’t even feel confident enough to leave and live on their own.

  • Leaving Is a Process

Victims can’t leave the relation or their partners all of sudden. It is a process and it takes some time. When victims leave for the first time their purpose is just to check whether their partner going to make some effort to bring them back and stop the violence. Victims also left their partners just to check that they can live on their own and they have enough resources to live a good life. Victims always give their partners some time by leaving them for a short period of time, before making a decision of permanent separation. Victims also looking for some support before leaving their partners permanently.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

How to Handle Child Abuse?

It’s the responsibility of parents and other adults in family to take care of the children. Almost all parents and elders in a family love their children and take care of them. Still there are some parents and elders who hurt kids. In other words it can be called as an ‘abuse’.

Child abuse is such a dangerous thing. It causes so many negative impacts on every kind of child, whether they belong to a rich family or they live in any rural area. It doesn’t belongs to just a particular class. Children get abused mostly by their parents, their siblings, by a family member or even by their teachers.

Tell Right Away

Children, who get abused, should tell their parents or other adults in family member about their problem. Most of the children find it very difficult to talk about the abuse with their parents. The basic reason is that the abuser threaten the children to not to tell anybody about it. But children should talk to their parents or their guardians because any kind of abuse is wrong. 

If children can’t share it with parents or it’s difficult for them to find any other trust worthy member in family, then they should ask for help from a center, as many centers are working to help these kinds of children.

How a Child Know Something is Abusive

Abuse can be of so many forms, it may be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual. If children feel that someone is constantly hit them, hurt them, neglect them, bullies them or harassed them sexually then it is an abuse. A children may suffering from one kind of abuse or different kinds of abuse at a same time.

How to Tell Someone What is Happening?

It’s very necessary for kids to tell someone about the abuse they are suffering from. But the question is how a child can tell it to someone? There are several ways to tell about it.
  • Talk to their parents
  • Talk to other adult person in a family
  • Write a letter or note to a person who is trustworthy for them
  • Can contact to help centers 

It’s totally depending on the situation to whom the child tells and how he/she tells about the abuse. The child may tell it to a one person or so many people, until there is someone who takes the actual action against the abuse. The decision taken by child to talk about is not just good for him/her, but it’s very beneficial for other children as well who are suffering from same situation.
It’s not always easy for any child to talk about the abuse. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to feel enough strong, so a child finally can talk to someone. Children should take some time to feel strong and it’s totally fine. At the end it’s the bravest step taken by a child to stay happy and safe and to stop abuse from being happening.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Avoid an Abusive Relationship

An Abusive relationship can happen at any time. It may be after few days, weeks, months or even after a year after getting into a relationship. Most of the time, victims felt that they are helpless or got stuck and they can’t get out of this.

But the good thing is that there is always a way to get out of these kind of relationships as soon as possible. Victims just know about the signs of an Abusive relationship so he/she can avoid it safely.

Eight Signs of an Abusive Relationship

  • Lying

Trust is very important in every relationship. If victim’s partner started to lie, then he/she must be alert. Abuser may make to feel victim that he/she can’t trust him/her. Abuser just tries to manipulate his/her victim. Whether the lie is small or big, it should always be a red alert for the victim. As an attempt to manipulate in a relationship is not a good sign.

  • Insults

Victim should not tolerate to being insulted by their partners. It is another way used by abuser to manipulate his/her partner. May be it is small in beginning but it will become bigger. By insulting abuser wants victim to questioning their self-worth.

  • Passive Aggressive Behavior

While in Abusive relationship passive-aggressive behavior is a main form of communication. Abuser never asks his/her partner about what to do or what they want, an abuser just make their partner to feel guilty into doing what they want.

  • Anger Problems

Someone who can’t control his/her anger becomes more dangerous when coming into relationship. It’s a red alert for victims, if their partners can’t control their anger. If victim’s partner gets angry very quickly on small things at others, then it’s a sign for victim, that his/her partner will do the same with them.

  • Aggression

It’s another sign which should also be avoided. Abuser mostly punches on the wall or slamming the doors. They just try to show their partners about their powers and try to manipulate them. They try to show the damage they can do. This kind of relationship should be avoided at any cost.

  • Extreme Jealousy

Little bit of jealousy in a relationship is not a bad sign. But if started to become extreme then obviously it’s a red sign for victim. If abuser started to get jealous just be seeing a friend or outing with family members, then it’s a very dangerous thing. This type of habit cannot be ignored.

  • Physical Abuse

It is the most dangerous and harmful habit of an abuser. If your partner hits you, slaps you or hurts you in any way, then you should leave them as soon as possible. Even if they promise that they will never do it again. The only purpose of abuser just gets the control over the victim.

  • If You Ever Left Me, I Would Hurt Myself

The end of any relationship is not always easy. It might be very difficult and heartbreaking. But the end of any relationship should never drive someone towards suicide. Victim should be very careful when abuser or their partner said; they can’t live without you if you leave them. It may be just an attempt to get emotional help but most probably abusers want to control their victims’ thoughts through manipulation.

Family Violence in Asian Countries

The other name of family violence is domestic violence. It defines as the use of force or violent behavior just to manipulate and get the ...