It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Effects of Emotional Abuse on Adults

The effects of physical abuse can be seen easily, but effects of emotional abuse cannot be spot easily. Emotional abuse doesn’t affect person physically but psychologically. The victim of emotionally abusive person doesn’t feel comfortable in his/her work, school and other areas of life. For married couples, emotional abuse also affects their sex life.

Most of the victims of emotional abuse don’t complain about the abuse and always blame themselves. Victims mostly said that it was just ‘saying of words’ they didn’t get hit by their partner. As a result there could be very severe effects on a person.

Short-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse

Most of the times emotionally abusive couple finds themselves in a situation about which they doesn’t know, how this situation arise. They get themselves confusing about the situation and questioning about it how it rises.

The short effect of emotional abuse is that most of time victims remain confusing and surprising about things. They may face memory issues as they find it difficult to recall what actually happens. Victim may blame themselves and feel guilty. 

Sometimes victim also show aggression to defend them from getting abused. The lack of confidence is also due to emotional abuse, victim started to avoid eye contact. Victim of emotional abuse thinks he/she is so weak and always thinks they can’t win anything. They feel that they controlled by other persons and they can’t act according to their will.

Long-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse

The long term effect of emotional abuse is in a way that victim lose his/her self-esteem. Victims feel that they are dependent on their partners and are not worthy of non-abusive relation. They can’t leave their partners and started to believe that all the things which are said by their partner about them are right.

The effect of emotional abuse is that the victim started to feel so much depressed. He/she feels himself/herself as a low worthy. Victims also become emotionally in-stable. Sleeplessness is also a result of emotional abuse and victim feels physical pain without any cause. Victims also started to have trust issues and they started to think about suicide and most of the time they also attempt to do so.

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